
Maptime in Lexington, KY

We are the Lexington chapter of Maptime. What is Maptime? Well, lots of people like maps. Some people know how to make them. Others have things they’d like to map, but don’t quite know how do it. The world of maps is so varied that a lot of people are in both camps. What Maptime seeks to achieve, through collaborative learning and exploration, is empowering people and organizations to make their own maps.

We all have something to learn. We also all have something to offer. Maptime meetup begins with talk on some aspect of mapping. It could be on some cool mapping platform, ways to find or gather spatial data, how maps even work…anything really! The talk is followed by independent or collaborative projects. It’s a great time to draw on the varied skill-sets and experiences of those at the meetup!

We’re in the process of nailing down meeting venue and exact start-date. Once that is figured out, we’ll update y’all. If you know of a place that might be able to accomidate a monthly/bi-monthly meeting, feel free to contact on Twitter.