
MaptimeTurku continues onward!

Last year we opened our very first Maptime chapter in Finland. The surroundings took place in the pittoresque and oldest cities in Finland, our beloved Turku city.

We startet to keep Maptime sessions every 2 months, and always had a crowd of people making maps and learning. It has been great to see this amount of interest in maps and mapmaking. For the past year we have studied the use of Open Street Map, Wikimedia, QGIS and learned a little bit of d3.js and maps. This year we’ll continue and try to spread the word on how much fun cartography is, when you are doing it amongst friends :)

MaptimeTurku continues now through its members! Last year when MaptimeTurku was launched, Lounaispaikka GI network supported its work, now it is time to get mapping going with the enthusiastic people we have met. YOU are the ones making this happen :) Please share your ideas on Twitter and Meetup!