OpenStreetMap and the Ada Initiative
At Maptime we love OpenStreetMap. It is an amazing project where average people around the world can participate in mapping the world around them. But, like most open source projects, it has a serious problem with diversity. That’s one of the reasons we started Maptime: to open the doors of map-making to all kinds of people, including women, minorities, and other groups who have traditionally been underrepresented in the world of map-making.
The Ada Initiative is a group with a similar mission: to support women in open technology and culture. Maptime loves Ada, too, and we hope to foster more connections between OpenStreetMap and Ada. Right now the Ada Initiative is raising money to fund their work for the next year. Thanks to Kathleen Danielson, there is now an OpenStreetMap campaign to donate to Ada before their fundraising deadline on October 8th.
To donate to the #osm4ada campaign, click here
Thanks! <3 <3 <3