May 2016 is Missing Maps Month at Maptime

Mayday, mayday!

Earthquakes. Tsunamis. Volcanic eruptions. These natural disasters literally reshape the surface of the earth, and destroy centuries of human infrastructure while they’re at it.

This is a major problem for first responders to crisis, who are trying to get on the ground and help people as fast as possible. What if the street that used to be there isn’t there anymore? What if suddenly water supplies are contaminated? How can you help people get the support that they need when you can’t even navigate the space they’re in or the supplies they need have been destroyed?

This is where making maps can make a huge difference. They can literally make or break first responders’ ability to help.

That’s why, this May, Maptime is teaming up with Missing Maps, a collection of nonprofits devoted to organizing volunteers to map satellite data and get these maps working again. We’re asking all US Maptime chapters to devote one of your sessions in May to mapping satellite data for the Missing Maps mission.

missing maps in Glasgow
Missing Maps event in Glasgow, Feb. 2016

Never mapped satellite data before? Have no fear! Missing Maps provides tutorials on how to get started with mapping, making it easy for you and your chapter to get up to speed.

What’s better? Participating Maptime chapters will get free pizza, courtesy of Missing Maps!

Want to participate? Sign up here by April 23 to ensure pizza.

Have questions? Email hello [at] maptime [dot] io.

Let’s help out Missing Maps and get some important maps back on the map!


Want to read more about the awesomesauce that is Missing Maps? Check out this article by collaborator Drishtie Patel