Earlier this month the Buffalo News published an article about shootings in Buffalo neighborhoods. One of the key elements of the story was the data analysis done by Lexie Heinle, Dan Kirchberger and Mary Pasciak including a great interactive map.
The article can be found here http://bit.ly/2sLtxkS.
I love seeing these simple, informative maps published. Perhaps the City’s forthcoming open data policy will facilitate more of these.
We will be scheduling our next meetup so keep tuned into the MaptimeBUF meetup page!
We have scheduled our next Meetup for May 18th! Haoliang of NBT Solutions will be discussing how to use Leaflet for developing web mapping applications. I had the opportunity to see Haoliang present a similar presentation to the BuffaloJS Meetup group. He does a great job describing how it works and the value of using it for web mapping applications.
You can find the last presentation and code samples on the MaptimeBUF Github https://github.com/MaptimeBUF. I also want to remind everyone about the FOSS4G International Conference in Boston, MA on August 14-19 2017 http://2017.foss4g.org/. This is a great event and I encourage anyone who is interested in open source geospatial tools to attend.
See you soon!
I just wanted to thank everyone for attending our meetup event on March 28, 2017. Rick Cielsa entertained us with a great presentation about gathering his personal Google tracking data, converting it to geoJSON, loading it into a MongoDB and rendering it on a a Leaflet map. Thanks again Rick for a great talk!
We are now getting lined up for our next event and hope to have this posted up on Meetup in the coming week. In the meantime please go to our Github site to download the presentation and the one from last May https://github.com/MaptimeBUF. I also want to remind everyone about the FOSS4G International Conference in Boston, MA on August 14-19 2017 http://2017.foss4g.org/. This is a great event and I encourage anyone who is interested in open source geospatial tools to attend.
See you soon!
Hi everyone. My apologies for not communicating well (or at all) over the last several months - it has been hectic for our company.
Thank you as well for responding to the survey. We got some great input from the survey and hope to get people to who can speak to some of the topics of interest.
In order to kickstart the year, Rick Ciesla has offered to talk about his project that involves Managing Google personal location data from a smartphone in MongoDB and displaying it using the Leaflet mapping library.
Rick Ciesla works with database systems by day and is a GIS enthusiast at all times. He is new to the group and anxious to share what he knows about the world of open source web mapping so please join us for an informative and instructive session.
We will be meeting at the offices of the Partnership for the Public Good at 617 Main Street. Detailed directions can be found on the Meetup page where you RSVP.
Pizza will be provided by NBT Solutions.
Thanks everyone and I am looking forward to seeing all of you again.
OpenStreetMap is a map-based crowd sourcing project whose data has been used by various applications and companies such as Craigslist, MapQuest, Foursquare, and Pictometry. For those of you who attended last month’s GIS/SIG meeting in Rochester or the annual State of the Map, you know first-hand how valuable this project can be for various projects and applications that need access to free mapping.
At our first MapTimeBUF event we will provide an introduction to OpenStreetMap and conduct some hands-on exercises where we will map certain features in the City of Buffalo and/or the surrounding area.
We are looking forward to seeing you there and don’t forget that the Western NY GIS Users Group is having their Spring meeting right around the corner at the Main Court Building at 438 Main Street, Buffalo, NY from 4:30 to 6:30. https://www.facebook.com/events/230739687290885/
6:30 - Gather in the backroom (beyond the fireplace) at the Pan American Grill and Brewery
6:40 - Introduction to OpenStreetMap - Rowan Hawkins, Haoliang Yu, and Lizzi Slivinski
What is OpenSteetMap?
Applications for OpenStreetmap
Contributing to OpenStreetmap
Discussion of potential improvements to the Buffalo map and community-based projects
7:00 - Hands on mapping and exploring.
TBD - Celebration and congratulations