
Let's learn leaflet.js!

This session is all about leaflet.js, a javascript library for making web maps!

Per Liedman who is one of the developers on the leaflet.js core team will be talking about what leaflet is and how it can be used, demoing what can be done with it. The thought is to put the talk on a level where both leaflet beginners and experienced users will benefit!

After the talk you will be able to create your own leaflet map hands-on, so bring your computer equipped with your favorite text editor.

If you don’t want to make your own map, just mingle and talk about maps! If you happen to know leaflet already, perfect, then you can guide the beginners!

Looking forward to see you all there!

Join us: Thursday, Feb 25 2016

Kick-off MaptimeGBG!

Welcome to the first Maptime GBG meetup!

Maptime is open for everybody, beginner to pro. This will be a time to share experience, have interesting discussions and learn from each other.

This first meetup will be an introduction to web mapping and Open Street Map. (A more detailed schedule will be available soon)

The plan is also to discuss what future topics could be and what you expect of Maptime GBG in the future! (Computers are not required for this first meetup.)

See you there!

Join us: Thursday, Nov 26 2015

MaptimeGBG is coming!

The work on getting MaptimeGBG up and running has started. If you are interested in helping out contact @annasemone. Stay tuned!

Posted Sep 28 2015 by