
Mapbox Studio

This month at Maptime!, we’ll be focusing on a brand new tool that will allow you to better design maps for the web. Learn all about the newest generation of basemap design software: Mapbox Studio! Brad Leege, Madison Maptime-r and Mapboxer will walk us through the new changes to the design tool and how we can build basemaps that are incredible!

Imagine being able to design a map from outerspace, inspired by art, or perfect for hiking outdoors… Mapbox Studio allows you to create basemaps that are as diverse as they are high-tech.


If you have a laptop, please feel free to bring it. We will also have about 10 laptops available for people to use. If you don’t have a Mapbox account, please sign up for an account beforehand.


There will also be free pizza provided by CartoDB. Please RSVP so we know how much pizza to get.

When and Where

Thursday, April 21st, 6pm - 8pm @ Madison Public Library: Central Library @ the Bubbler 201 W Mifflin St Madison, WI 53703

Join us: Thursday, Apr 21 2016