
Missing Maps Mapathon

This month at Maptime Madison, we’ll be working with the rest of the US Maptime community to help Missing Maps, a group of nonprofits dedicated to mapping the world’s most vulnerable populations. We’ll give a brief introduction of what Missing Maps and Open Street Map are, how to edit and trace satellite imagery in Open Street Map, and start mapping! If you’re unfamiliar with OSM, feel free to go through some of the Missing Maps’ tutorials, but we’ll spend some time going through the basics.


If you have a laptop, please feel free to bring it. We will also have about 10 laptops available for people to use.


There will also be free pizza provided by Missing Maps. Please RSVP so we know how much pizza to get.

When and Where

Thursday, May 12th, 6pm - 8pm @ Madison Public Library: Central Library @ the Bubbler 201 W Mifflin St Madison, WI 53703

Join us: Thursday, May 12 2016