
January Maptime: Web Mapping Terminology

Are you ever just overwhelmed by web mapping terminology? Do you often feel like the answer is right in front of you, but you don’t speak the language to understand it? This month, we’re going to look at all that map tech jargon and see if we can make sense of it, together.

Join us on Thursday, January 7th at CU Denver’s Auraria Campus. We’ll meet from 6-8pm in a building called “North Classroom” on the third floor, room NC 3015. Here are some helpful maps to get you there.

Name your terms! If there’s a particular web mapping term that you’d like to discuss, let us know! If you have knowledge, add it to the doc!

We’ll have a some pizza and refreshments to enjoy while we chat. Remember, newcomers are always welcome, and don’t forget to bring a laptop!

Seeking Sponsorship: If you know any individual or business interested in sponsoring a Maptime let us know! Sponsoring a meetup event simply means covering food and beverages or offering a space for free. If you have any leads, email Thanks!

Join us: Thursday, Jan 07 2016