
March Maptime: Intro to OpenStreetMap with Founder Steve Coast

Have you heard all about OpenStreetMap but haven’t gotten around to diving in? Join us for an Introduction to OSM, presented by an exceptionally qualified guest: OSM Founder, Steve Coast!

We’ll cover some background on OSM and the basics of participating, then do some hands-on editing. If you’ve ever wanted to attend an OSM Mapathon, you’ll be well prepared after this!

Be there Thursday, March 10th at CU Denver’s Auraria Campus. We’ll meet from 6-8pm in the North Classroom on the third floor, room 3015. Here are some helpful maps to get you there.

We’ll have a some pizza and refreshments to enjoy while we chat. Remember, newcomers are always welcome, and don’t forget to bring a laptop!

Join us: Thursday, Mar 10 2016