
Interactive Web Map Series #2: Intro to Leaflet.js

This summer the Maptime Milehigh Leadership team is excited to bring you a series of workshops on interactive webmapping. There will be three workshops consisting of:

  1. Introduction to HTML and CSS
  2. Introduction to Leaflet and Adding Points Of Interest
  3. Introduction to Github and putting your webmap online!

These workshops will not only help you to building an interactive web map but also allow us as a community to make an interactive webmap for NACIS ( North American Cartographic Information Society) Annual Meeting being held in Colorado Spring this fall. More information can be found here:

On this second workshop we will be creating a simple interactive web-map using the amazing Leaflet.js library! Prior JavaScript experience is not required as we will be using a basic template as our starting point. We will however cover the basics of web-mapping so you can take the template and make it your own!

Make sure to have a modern text editor installed on your computer. Atom is an awesome option!

Beginners are always welcome; all you need is a laptop and a willingness to learn! RSVP here.

Join us: Thursday, Jul 14 2016