
Maptime: B.Y.O.B

This Maptime thing is just what it sounds like: a time for maps. ALL THINGS MAPS. Yes. That covers a lot. We’ll be meeting every 2nd Wednesday.

For our very first Maptime in New Orleans, we’d like everyone to bring their favorite map tech & cartography books (or blogs) for show and tell. Raise your geo-geek flag high. Show us what you’re into - we’re probably into it, too.

We’ll compile a list of online and print resources to nerd out on while we meet other mappers in our community and snack on some pizza (thanks, CartoDB!) If you bring a laptop, one of us will be happy to get you set up on one of the many free map making tools available.

You can bring your own projects to work on, help others get started on theirs, or bring forward a topic for a future tutorial.

Questions? email and check for updates once I learn how to update a jekyll website.

(see, you don’t have to know an ounce of tech to start learning)

Join us: Wednesday, Jul 08 2015