
OpenStreetMap! Contributing to a world map and discussing the best way to do it!

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Greetings map enthusiasts!

Many of us were inspired and ignited by all of the amazing discussions enabled by the State of the Map conference that happened right here in Boulder in mid-October. One of the themes that came out of all those talks was putting the power of mapping in the hands of the people that live in the locations the maps represent… wherever that is on the globe.

In that light, we want to continue empowering as many people to take part in mapping as possible, so for our Dec. 7th meeting, we’d like to introduce/revisit OpenStreetMap and chat about the different editors available to people. What makes them accessible? What makes them clunky? Which ones are the easiest for adding good attribute data? What should the GUI look like?

Come to the Boulder Public Library at 6pm with your thoughts, ideas and enthusiasm! Diane will kick off the discussion with Emily-Jacobi-inspired musings about the power of mapping – WHY do we do this? Find us in the Arapahoe Room (at the top of the windy stone stairs). We’ll have SNACKS!

Join us: Friday, Dec 08 2017 12:00 AM