
December - Edit-a-thon

We’ll be meeting in Minneapolis at CoCo Coworking in Uptown and work on OpenStreetMap (OSM), and conduct our own OSM Edit-a-thon. We’ll have a special guest speaker (TBD soon) show us some trade secrets on OpenStreetMap.

If you’re unfamiliar with editing OSM, no worries! We’ll go through the basics together, and learn how to make edits for the first time!

If you’re up for more socializing after Maptime, we’ll likely head to a nearby bar to continue the conversations over drinks. If the bar isn’t on OpenStreetMap, you can bet it will be there by the end of the day! After the presentation, we’ll have time for editing, discussions, sharing projects that we’re working on, work through any questions from OSM/our projects, and anything else that comes up!

We’ll have pizza and refreshments, courtesy of CartoDB. As always, beginners are welcome and don’t forget to bring a laptop!


Join us: Wednesday, Dec 09 2015