
November - Pointclouds

We’ll be meeting in Minneapolis at CoCo Coworking in Uptown and have Howard Butler of present on Pointclouds.

You have probably heard the words LiDAR and pointcloud, but may not know exactly what they are or what you could do with them. It used to be that you needed a really expensive sensor to collect data like that. Now, anyone with a reasonably good digital camera and the right software can capture this kind of data. 3D data can be used for everything from watershed analysis and measuring volumes to generate models with 3D printers.

Point clouds are quickly becoming another fundamental data type in a geo practitioner’s tool box. We will discuss how geo persons should expect to use freely available point clouds and show open source software to do all sorts of interesting things with them.

After the presentation, we’ll have time for discussions, sharing projects that we’re working on, work through any questions from our projects, and anything else that comes up!

We’ll have pizza and refreshments, courtesy of CartoDB. As always, beginners are welcome and don’t forget to bring a laptop!


Join us: Wednesday, Nov 18 2015