
Maptime and Open Twin Cities Map-stravagan­za

Open data + CartoDB = Map-stravaganza!

This month, we’ll be holding a joint meeting with Open Twin Cities to bring together the power of open data with the visual thrill of maps! Come ready to learn about open data, maps, and how you can combine the two to make exciting visualizations.

The plan:

  1. Maptime MSP will demo CartoDB, a powerful but easy-to-use mapping tool.
  2. Open Twin Cities will demo some of the Minnesota open data portals.
  3. We’ll break up into teams and start mapping some of our favorite open data sets together.
  4. At the end of the meetup, we’ll demo our maps and choose our favorites! (Prizes may be involved.)

Parking options:

  • 19th Ave Ramp ($7 for 2-3 hours);
  • 21st Ave Ramp ($7 for 2-3 hours);
  • Surface lot at 5th and 21st that is a flat rate of $4; and
  • Meter parking available within a few blocks.

Transit options:
There are many bus routes that stop near the West Bank campus, as well as the West Bank Station on the Green Line.


Join us: Tuesday, Jun 28 2016