We will be having another talks and stammtisch night in March! This time with two short talks focusing on Earth Observation đ
The event will take place in the Maptime Work Adventure environment. Come to Meeting #1 for the talks! Afterwards we can spend some time chatting and exploring the virtual space đ»
date: Thursday, 18th March 2021
time: 20:00 - 21:00
place: Maptime WorkAdventure environment
By the way - get in touch if you have a few minutes to share anything you are working on in one of the upcoming events!
In February we tried a new format in the new Maptime Salzburg WorkAdventure environment. We started with a talk by Franz Gusenbauer in the virtual meeting room. Franz told us how he established his own geoinformatics company and explained the technical setup in his software products - powered by open source software. Thanks for this insightful talk!
Afterwards we explored the Workadventure space and had an enjoyable virtual Stammtisch. Looking forward to next time!
Our Quiz Winners from December 2020 received the following bits of post as prizes. Thank you so much for participating!
The online geo quiz night in November was fun and many said: Letâs do that again in December! 11 participants joined for the December quiz with a decent selection of mind-boggling geography / GIS and related questions! âš Congratulations to the three winners, who will receive a sticker set and a postcard as a prize!
After the quiz we moved from the traditional video conference to a more playful setting to have an online Stammtisch in the gather.town beer garden. This was fun!
Looking forward to next time!
After a long corona break, we thought itâs now the time to have a virtual Maptime event! Thursday, 19.11.20 is PostGIS Day and a perfect opportunity for a second edition of the Maptime Geo Quiz - this time in a virtual edition! We will also have a very short talk about #30DayMapChallenge and #PostGISDay.
Join our video conference and use a mobile device to take part in the quiz! You can submit your answers under a nickname i.e. anonymously if you want. The event will take around one hour, but if you donât like it - donât hesitate to just leave the meeting!
date: Thursday, 19th November 2020
time: 20:00 - 21:00
place: Join Meeting
quiz: When the quiz starts, you will be able to submit your answers here.
As all friends of Maptime have their own special geo knowledge, youâre invited to send us suggestions for quiz questions to maptime.sbg@gmail.com until Wednesday 18:00. We will select maximum one question per contributor.
Looking forward to seeing you! And donât forget to get yourself some beverages and wasabi peanuts for the typical Maptime feeling!
Nach einer langen Corona-Pause wurde es nun Zeit fĂŒr ein virtuelles Maptime-Event! Am Donnerstag, 19.11.20 ist PostGIS Day und eine perfekte Gelegenheit fĂŒr eine zweite Ausgabe des Maptime Geo Quiz - diesmal virtuell! AuĂerdem werden wir kurz ĂŒber #30DayMapChallenge and #PostGISDay berichten.
Kommt in unser Online Meeting und benutzt ein mobiles GerÀt, um am Quiz teilzunehmen! Ihr könnt eure Antworten unter einem Spitznamen bzw. anonym abgeben. Der Abend dauert etwa eine Stunde, aber falls es euch doch nicht gefÀllt könnt ihr das Meeting jederzeit verlassen.
Datum: Donnerstag, 19. November 2020
Zeit: 20:00 -21:00 Uhr
Ort: Meeting beitreten
Quiz: Sobald das Quiz startet, kannst du deine Antworten hier eingeben.
Da alle Freunde von Maptime ihr eigenes Geo-Spezialwissen haben, seid ihr eingeladen, uns bis Mittwoch 18:00 Uhr VorschlĂ€ge fĂŒr Quizfragen an maptime.sbg@gmail.com zu senden. Wir werden maximal eine Frage pro EinsenderIn auswĂ€hlen.
Wir freuen uns euch zu sehen! Und vergesst nicht, euch GetrĂ€nke und Wasabi-ErdnĂŒsse fĂŒr das typische Maptime-Feeling zu besorgen!