Join us for this special GIS Week the MaptimeTUS edition in partnership with Devin Bayly, Data Visualization Specialist with UA Research Computing.
In this edition of MaptimeTUS, Devin will give a demo of creating a Virtual Reality tour of Mt. Lemmon and the Catalinas using open data and open source tools.
Workshop instructions can be found here.
Github Repo Materials can be found here.
Ease your way in to making web maps by playing around with a javascript library called Leaflet by remixing some code & creating maps using a fun site called Glitch.
3-5 PM in CATalyst Studios, Main Library, University of Arizona (map)
Materials can be found here.
Come by for the first ever Maptime Tucson! We’ll be playing around with creating GitHub static web pages for resumes, portfolios or project sites. No experience with GitHub necessary. We’ll learn together!
Materials can be found here. Presentation view here.
Maptime Tucson is organized by the geospatial team at the Office of Digital Innovation & Stewardship at the University of Arizona Libraries. If you would like to be involved in the organizing & planning of Maptime please contact us at